Want to grow your Instagram account? Here is the 5 killer ways to get lot of followers in few days. I bet you if you followed my methods properly you’ll see better growth in your instagram account.
Without doubt I can tell Instagram is my favorite app. Instagram is a photo sharing app and we can even talk to friends and post stories. But instagram will be bored if you don’t have any popularity. Every Instagram user wants many followers and likes for their posts so Today we bring you some working methods which helps you to get more instagram followers and likes.
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5 Ways to increase Instagram followers
If you apply our methods in your Instagram sure you will get atleast 1000 followers. We tested every methods in our Instagram and we are sharing here..
1. Hashtags
If you posted a video or photo in your Instagram without any hashtags then it will be shown in your followers news feed only. So there is no chances of reaching that post other than your followers without hashtags.

The hashtags like #love #likes #xxxtentaction #follow4follow are followed by millions of people so your posts will reach to those people in their feed and in the explore section. But there is no gain if you spammed your posts with irrelevant hashtags about your pic or video. So start using hashtags in your posts.
Note: Hashtags will works only in public profile
2. Tag Instagram stars
Normally we usually checks and keep noticing the Instagram stars profile for new posts. Do you notice there is one feature called tagged posts in the profile near posts. When you tag that popular creator in your post then it will appear in that tagged posts section of that creator account so your post will be noticed by some of the followers and even that creator so you gets more engagements on that posts.

Note: This works only in the public profiles.
3. Commenting on trending posts
People will checks the comments of the post if it was interesting. Make sure you turned on notification for all the Instagram stars for new posts. Don’t comment spamy like follow I’ll follow back. Just comment it interesting words and don’t use just emoji.

I did this in the meme pages having so much followers. Lot of people reply my comments and likes my comments. If my profile was attractive bio and best profile picture then people will follow.
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Note: I got nearly 200 followers just by commenting on the meme pages.
4. Make your account as business profile
You’ll get lot of features when you using business account. The features like number of engagements, number of shares , number of people seen and number of likes. You can also promote your posts to some people which makes some popularity on your Instagram profile.

Note: You can even promote your stories and highlights.
5. Promote your Profile
Do you know? All the meme pages and the Tiktok famous people allows paid promotion in their profile. You can contact them directly for promotion. Before contacting them make sure the creator have which type of audience.

Final words
I hope our ideas helped you to gain Instagram audience. Other than this there are some methods to increase followers and likes but those are bots. Bot audience is just waste and your profile and followers list will be unnatural. We don’t recommend those methods for our readers because of bad experience with them.
Do you know any other ways for Instagram followers, tell about that in the below comments section. Follow us on social media for more guides. Thanks for reading.
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